Saturday, May 10, 2008

The Summer Oven

As parts of Texas are slid into the 100 degree oven for the next five and a half months, I have put this picture on my desktop to sit and gaze at. Cool cloudy ocean breezes.....oh how I miss it already. Gaze with me and go "ahhhhhhh"!

ps. remind me to take the stupid day/time stamp off the camera....geesh!
pps: The Clueless One couldn't get his satelite to work right. It wouldn't come on, or it wouldn't show local channels. Got someone in the know out here. Come to find's kismet.....the receiver can no longer work on two tv's at the same time. I am busting a gut because of the previously posted 2 tv's, one must go! Life gets real good sometimes......ROFLMAO

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