Sunday, May 11, 2008

Well I did it

Yes, I gave into the pressure. I gave into the repeated peer pressure. I got tired of the shocked looks and unbelieving gasps. The cries of, "But Aren't you_______!"(fill in the blank)
I signed up on the Ravelry invite list......
I feel like such a sheeple.
But anyway, I've done it. Hopefully, my clever, creative username isn't already in use. I'm not really good at usernames. I see other folk's wonderful, inventive, oh-so-clever names and I feel completely inadequate. Hell! Everybody thought I was "addictedtoknitting"...damn its already in use...."purldiver" clever, wouldn't have thought of that one, cuz I'm not a diver, but that was another one that people confused with me cuz of BigDog.
"yarndork"?...hmmmm...probably in use
I just don't know, maybe just "Skully".
What do you think?
Otter: Hmmm.....just make yourself a little list, and make sure you can live with the name. Then when your number comes up....try your fav, then go on down the list. They have opened up the choice to change your name twice before they charge you for it. So, you have options in case suddenly the perfect name comes later.
First thing you have to do is join the Smartass Yarn Ho's....then Crochet Liberation Front. After that, you are on your own to chose (ain't I nice ;) . The other day I let the Yarn Ho's in on the blog.

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