Monday, March 16, 2009

Vanity, thy name is Tom

Yesterday morning I was sitting outside drinking my coffee. I kept hearing a sound of something hitting heavy metal. It took me a while to find what was making the noise. Two turkey toms had discovered the bumper of hubby's pickup. They were enchanted with the toms looking back at them, or they were trying to intimidate them. They never gobbled or made any other noise...just pecking at the turkey in the bumper. I ran inside to show hubby and get my camera. Just as I got the camera on and ready, one of the toms shot off a display at the bumper. The flocks of turkey that practically live at my house are an endless source of amusement.

1 comment:

Phro5gg said...

"Turkey in the Bumper". Isn't than an old square dance tune? Thanks for the giggle today.